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12,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Andy is no ordinary kid - he´s a Super Dweeb with an atomic pencil that can redraw reality!  But can Andy handle a stubborn sidekick, and adoring fan club, and his first Supervillain? PAPERBACK 
12,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Andy has an awesome secret - his pencil can redraw reality!  But when he creates a doodle duplicate to do his chores, things go badly wrong. Can Andy survive a battle with his own evil twin? PAPERBACK 
12,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Schoolkid Andy may have awesome secret superpowers, but is he ready to handle a trio of sneaky supervillains from own future? Don´t be late from this hilarious time-travel adventure! PAPERBACK 
11,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Do you like waffles? They´re pretty much amazing. Just like this book! I wouldn´t pour syrup on it, though. That would make it hard to read.  It´s full of awesome stuff like a sea monkey and a robot and... waffles of...
13,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Ash is back and more determined than ever to be a Pokémon Master! Now he´s teamed up with a new friend, Goh, who wants to collect every Pokémon from every region! When Ash and Pikachu hitch a ride aboard the Legendary...
14,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Naruto is a ninja-in-training with an incorrigible knack for mischief. His wild antics amuse his teammates, but Naruto is completely serious about one thing: becoming the world´s greatest ninja! PAPERBACK 
15,00 € (impuestos inc.)
In a time of darkness and despair... When strange new villains arise... Only one Dog-headed cop can save the day! Go get ´em!!!! PAPERBACK 
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15,00 € (impuestos inc.)
Team up with everyone`s favourite superhero as he takes on the Wicked Wedgie Woman, who is well on her way to world domination. And beware the mucous monster! When snotty Melvin´s experiment goes horribly wrong, the...
10,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Billy´s learning how to take care of the planet, and the mini monsters want to help too... ...so they join the school trip to a recycling centre, only to fall INTO one of the recycling machines. Can Billy and his best...
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11,95 € (impuestos inc.)
This book is the sweetest! Maybe too sweet? It cracks me up! Literally! PAPERBACK
Mostrando 1-12 de 52 artículo(s)
