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12,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Confidence is like a muscle, and everyone´s confidence can benefit from a bit of coaching to stretch and strengthen that muscle.  Following tried and tested techiques, children will learn how to build empathy and...
11,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Art can inspire STEM, just as science, technology, engineering and maths can inspire art. Together these subjects are called STEAM.  Budding artists and young scientists alike can discover just how much they have in...
11,95 € (impuestos inc.)
Get ready for Christmas with the Elf on the Shelf in this bumper sticker activity book! Discover games, puzzles, colouring and more with santa´s special scout elves. Age 5+ PAPERBACK
Mostrando 13-17 de 17 artículo(s)
